What we share
Amen provides faithful prayers rooted in Tradition to calm restless hearts; Catholic meditations to deepen your relationship with Christ, and nourishing Scripture to feed hungry souls. We are here to help you grow in the peace of our Lord. Peace of mind isn’t only attainable. It’s in the palm of your hand.
Who We Are
Confident that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb 13:8), we at the Augustine Institute are responding to the Church’s summons to harness new media to proclaim the Gospel afresh. To this end, Amen applies proven technology to give users trusted and engaging content—for personal prayer and meditation and to equip them to live and share their Catholic Faith.
Discovering new methods of transmitting the Gospel message is part
of the continuing evangelizing outreach of those who believe. . . . God’s
word should resound not only in the print media but in other forms of
communication as well.
—Pope Benedict XVI (Verbum Domini, 113)
If you are interested in praying with us, please tap HERE